Schools: Petaluma Accelerated Charter School at McKinley
Teachers: Jovanna Ayala and Matt Jackson
Grade Level: 7th
Collaborators: Sonoma County Library: Teens in Action
Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between the watershed in Key West in Monroe County, Florida and the Petaluma Watershed? How do specific contaminants enter and affect the Petaluma watershed and how can these contaminants be mitigated?
Project Summary
Students will read the novel, FLUSH, learning about contamination in Monroe County, Florida and will then make various trips to the Petaluma Watershed to perform water sampling which will help them draw parallels between the two watersheds and some of the ways in which our watershed is negatively impacted. At the conclusion of the unit, students will individually research and develop a Public Service Announcement with the purpose of bringing awareness to a specific water contaminant.
Download the Curriculum
A Powerpoint presentation to introduce the concept of water quality monitoring to students.
Assignment prompt for pollution PSAs.
Student Work Presented at the 2019 Student Showcase
Student Work Presented at the 2018 Student Showcase
Presented at the 2017 Student Showcase
PSA by Avery Carles
PSA by Gabriel Carles
PSA by Emma Churchill
PSA by student Sofia Farina