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Professional Development

On August 7th and 8th, we will be offering a Professional Development workshop for teachers in the Petaluma watershed, dedicated to climate change and environmental literacy. The two day workshop will begin with Shelley Brooks, PhD sharing her expertise in the incorporation of environmental literacy into history and social science classrooms. Teachers will have the opportunity to engage, collaborate, and lesson plan with workshop presenters and colleagues. On our second day, expert practitioners of Citizen Science will address the importance of community participation in the collection of scientific research to better understand our world. They will introduce and discuss Citizen Science projects and how data can be shared with monitoring and collection programs. Following the discussion, Michelle Sauceda will expand on the value of being in nature, the importance of Outdoor Education and will demonstrate some of the many lessons and learning opportunities for classes outside. The workshop will conclude after boating on the Petaluma river. Teachers will receive a $200 stipend for attending. 

We hope to see many of you there! Click HERE to sign up.

Earlier Event: June 9
Transhumance Festitval
Later Event: July 14
Rivertown Revival